More Options
Scoring type: The way in which marks are distributed for the question.
- Exact Match: All parts of the question must be answered correctly to receive a mark.
- Partial Match Per Response - Each correct response will be scored and awarded an individual score.
- Partial match - Each correct part of a response will be awarded a mark.
Enable auto scoring: Defines whether the question will be marked automatically or must be marked manually.
Layout and Selection
- Standard
- Block
- Radio button under option
Number of Columns: Number of columns in the answer option table.
e.g. 4 columns
Orientation (works in conjunction with number of columns)
- Horizontal (2 columns)
- Vertical (2 columns)
Font size: Controls the size of the font for the question.
Options are:
Small | Normal | Large | Extra Large | Huge |
11 PX | 14 PX | 17 PX | 20 PX | 24 PX |
e.g. Large Font Size
Acknowledgements: A multi-use field that is used to add acknowledgments (e.g. copyright, credits, thanks).
Contains math: Enabling this option allows LaTeX or MathML to be rendered in the question and answer options. If you try to enter math while this option is disabled, the LaTeX/MathML will not render properly on the screen.
Future Functionality
- Distractor rationale: Used to display response feedback/rationale to the student. (future functionality)
- Rubric reference: Refers to a pre-created rubric in the item bank. (future functionality)
- Stimulus (review only): Shows an alternate (e.g. abbreviated) question stimulus when in review mode. (future functionality)
- Instructor stimulus: Provides additional details to Proctors/Instructors during assessments (never shown to students) Can be previewed in the Question Editor. (future functionality)
- Sample answer: A sample answer that is stored for display/reference when teacher scoring. (future functionality)
- Distractors: Used to display individual response feedback/rationale to the student. (future functionality)
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