Suppose you want to create a multi-part item, like a reading passage or scenario with several related questions, or a two-stage item where you ask a question and then a follow-up question for the student to explain their reasoning. provides functionality to set this up inside a single item rather than creating several separate items.
- Create a new item.
- Enter a name for the Item
3. Click on the Plus Sign to select the Type of Item
4. To add a Passage Item click on the Features button
5. Click on the Passage Item Type
6. Enter a Heading and Content for the Passage
Note: Images and Video's can also be used within the Passage Items
7. To begin adding questions about the passage/video to this item, click the Plus (+) sign on the Edit Item screen and continue as you would when creating a normal item.
8. The layout of the questions can be modified by clicking on Settings.
9. Choose a layout that works with the passage and items. Remember that your organization may have policies that dictate which layout you must choose. Check with your site administrator if you have questions. For example, you can change the layout to have the passage on the left and the questions on the right.
You may continue adding questions by clicking on the Plus (+) symbol.
Setting Scores for Multi Question Items
Each component of a Multi Question Item can have an individual score or alternate scores table. By selecting a Maximum Score the user is capping the score of an item. An example is when an applicant is being assessed on years experience and education. By capping the Max Score allows the candidate with fewer years experience an opportunity to score higher/equal with their education points.
In order to change the maximum score available for a Multi Question Item:
1. Create the Item and the Multi Questions for the Item
2. Set the score and alternate scores
3. Once the items are created go to the first item within the Multi Question Item and select About:
4. Select Save and Exit
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