This functionality is located in the Admin module of To add or edit users, Click on the Admin module and select Users.
First, you will see a list of existing users in your workspace.
Name | Name of User |
Email address of User | |
Verified | Y = User has verified their login |
Login Blocked | Login Blocked by Partner Admin |
Logged In | Indicates if User is currently logged in |
Activated | User Account is active |
Deactivated | User Account has been deactivated by Partner Admin |
Tags | Any tags associated with the User Account |
To search for a User select the search options on the left of the screen.
- Search by typing the name or part of the name of the user and pressing enter.
- Filters:
- By Date Activated - enter the start and end date for the user account activation and then select Apply
- By Date Deactivated - enter the start and end date for the user account deactivation and then select Apply
- Search by selecting a Role from drop down menu and then select Apply.
- Search by selecting a Tag from the drop down menu and then select Apply
Edit an existing user by clicking on an the user name.
To add a new user click on the Add User button.
This will display the Creating User - Author Role screen you see above, enter the name, email, and role(s) for the new user.
Full Name*: User Full Name (mandatory field)
Email Address*: User Email Address (mandatory field)
Login: Login Names can be added to user details. This allows the user to select a login name.
Job title: Users Job Title
Phone Number: Users Phone Number
Temporary User: Enter a Temporary User Name (e.g. Item Author One). Temporary Users can be used when the item authors are unknown.
Roles: User Role (below is a list of User Roles and the basic functions of each of the Roles)
- Select the View Roll Descriptions for more details about the various User Roles
User Role | Description of Role |
Bank Manager | Access to Items Module (select which Item Bank(s) the user has access to) |
Department Admin | Access to all modules - limited by tags |
Department Viewer | View only access to all modules - limited by tags |
Essay Marker | Access to Marking Module |
Examinee Manager | Access to Examinees Module |
Item Reviewer | Access to Items allocated for review to this user |
Partner Admin | Full Access, only user with access to Admin |
Psychometrician | Access to Analytics Module |
Tag Editor | Access to Tags Module |
Test Assembler | Access to Tests Module - limited by access to Item Banks and Item Tags |
Test Reviewer | Access to tests marked for Review - limited by Tags |
Test Scheduler | Access to Sessions Module |
User Manager | User Management |
User Tags: Enter the Tags for the user. Users are automatically given access to any tags in the group assigned to them. In the example below a user who is allocated the Level-G10 Tag will also have access to and related tags : G10-AAA and G10-BBB.
- A user can have more than one role, e.g. Test Assembler and Test Scheduler.
- System Requires at least one Partner Admin User.
- Tag required: the workspace Configuration has an option : New Users must have at least one tag assigned, if this is selected then the user tag(s) is required before the SAVE is successful.
User Restrictions - Limiting user access using Tags
Before using the Allow access tagging for Users ensure that Tag Groups and Tags have been created for the Users, Items, Tests and Sessions.
Allowed Item Banks - select the Item Banks the user has access to
Not allowed modules - list any modules the user is restricted from accessing
For each of the modules select which tags the user has access to.
In the example below the user will have access to:
- Items tagged with the English Grammar tag
- Tests tagged with the Demo tag
- Sessions tagged with Department Math tag
Full or Read Only Access
Select the type of access the user has by selecting the Set Access Button
For each of the selected Tags set Tag Permissions (Full Access or Read only Access.)
New User Confirmation
Upon saving the new user information, an automated email will be sent to the user, which serves to confirm their email and require them to set up their account by specifying a password.
Example of Email to User to Confirm Email address and Setup
Note: The number of hours the user has to verify their account is set down on the Configuration Screen. The default is 168 hours (7 days).
Deactivating a User
To Deactivate a User select the ellipsis to the right hand side of the user name.
Select Edit to edit the User information or Deactivate if the User should no longer have access to
A User that has been de-activated will be grayed out.
To re-activate a User select the ellipsis to the right hand side of the user name (grayed out).
User Login Attempts
Blocking a User
A user that attempts to login 5 times unsuccessfully will be blocked from accessing the system for 1 hour. The message below will be displayed to the user.
Unlocking a User
Partner Admin users can over-write the blocking of a User by going to:
Admin / Users / Select the Actions ellipsis - Select Unlock Login
User Reports
Select Export User List for a full list of users and last login details.
Example of User List:
Full Name | Users Name |
Users Email address | |
Role(s) | User Roles |
Last Login | Last Login: Date and time |
Sign Out | Last Sign Out : Date and time |
Activation Status | User Status |
Select the Actions ellipsis for the User Audit Trail
Select the Dates for the User Audit Report:
Example of User Audit Report:
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