In most cases, you will have more examinees than feasible to create one-by-one. Instead, you will need to import/upload the examinees.
1. Export Examinees Template
Select Examinees
Click on Download Template
An example of the spreadsheet shows the standard columns and headers, but you can add/paste other data too.
2. Importing Examinees:
Import spreadsheet to Examinees Module
Once you have finished adding/pasting new content, go back to and click Import, and you can select the file you just created.
Import spreadsheet to Sessions Module
- Go to Session
- Add a new Session
- On the Examinee Tab select Import:
Select the Examinee Spreadsheet
The following message will display during the import process:
Imported Examinees will be listed in the examinee module
Examinee Tags
You have the option to add columns onto the Excel import for your Tags. To do so, add one column for each of your Tag Groups, and make sure that the first row (the header) is the name of the respective Tag Group. For example, you might have School, Gender, and Language as the Tag Groups. The cell for each examinee would have the relevant value. Example below.
Editing Examinees En Masse
The UUID is used as an official unique identifier inside, and is provided here so that the importing can also be used for bulk editing. For example, if you have examinee names in the system but are missing email addresses. You can export the spreadsheet and paste in email addresses to the relevant column but leave everything else, then re-import.
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