An important functionality in this module is the tagging of examinees, as this is how organizes examinees by groups or other variables that you define. Common variable are district/school/teacher hierarchy; however, the variables can also be used to track demographics (gender, race, language). This information is especially important within the Sessions module, as this module allows you to search for examinees by tag. For example, you can add all students from a specific school to a session in a single click. Moreover, these tags will also be used to drive the Results module (e.g., a report to obtain the average score for each school in the district).
Creating Tag Groupings
First, an administrator in your account must create the tag groupings that you wish to use. This is described in the section of this manual within the Tags module.
Assigning Tags to Examinees
Once tags are created, they are available in the Add New Examinee and Edit Examinee screens.
Note: these are provided as drop-down variables with autocomplete, so you don't need to scroll though everything in the drop-down list. e.g. If you want to tag a student as being in Mr. Rodriguez's class, you would just start typing "Rod" and it would populate.
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