Iteman requires two input files: the Data File and a Control File. The formats for these files are described in the following sections. The approach is inspired by statistical analysis software, which often has a Variables tab and a Data tab.
The Data File
The Data File is the file that contains the examinee response data that you want to analyze. Each row corresponds to one examinee, and each column to one item. In addition, the first three columns have info on the examinees: ID/Name, Inclusion, and Group.
Iteman utilizes the standard comma separated value (.csv) file format. This is often the easiest format for editing/managing assessment response data because you can edit the files in either a standard spreadsheet software or in a text editor if you prefer. It also remains relatively space-efficient for large files. Note that it includes a header row with column titles, which makes it much more readable when you are creating/editing the file.
The Examinee ID column is intended to hold examinee names or ID numbers. These can be replaced with anonymous identifiers if you wish, as the primary purpose of Iteman is to analyze the items rather than the examinees.
The Group column is required, even if you don't have group information; you can then leave each cell blank. Iteman will calculate some group comparisons like average score, and also use this column for differential item functioning if you set it up.
Responses can be alphabetical (A,B,C,D… or a,b,c,d…) or numerical (1,2,3,4…), where A = a = 1, etc. This should be one per cell. Note that all responses must be a single character, so values such as 0.50 are not accepted.
Example of a Comma-Delimited Data Matrix File
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