There are 2 options available for test review:
SME Review: Subject matter experts will be able to review each of the items in a test.
Admin Review: Administrators will have access to Review and View the comments and Angoff(s) captured by the SME Reviewers.
- Both options are available in the Tests Module
Review the SME Results is done by selecting:
SME Review Results - This review shows the results of the review of items in a given test by SMEs.
NOTE: Only tests that have a Review Status will be available for SME or Admin Review.
Marking a Test for Review
- Go to Tests
- Select the Test
- Navigate to the About Tab
- Select Status and Change to Review
- Select Save and Exit to Save the Review Status
SME Review
- Go to Tests
- Navigate to the SME Review Tab
- Select the test to Review
The test review is delivered in the same format as the test takers format.
Select Start to begin the SME Review
Reviewing the Test Items
Enter the Angoff scores for this item and select SAVE
Data Visible to Reviewer:
- Tags - any tags associated with the item
- Custom Fields - any custom field data associated with the item
The reviewer can enter a comment for the item.
Click on Next to Review the next Item
Cancel / Save / Export Angoff
Cancel the Review
Save and Exit to the Tests to Review screen
Export Angoff scores - this file will display in the Notifications
example of Exported Angoff scores:
SME Review Results
- Go to Tests
- Select SME Review Results
- Select the Test
- Select the Field(s) to Review. Fields Available are: Angoff 1, Angoff 2, Comments
- Click on Display Results
The results will display at the bottom of the screen:
Change the View by selecting : Angoff 1, Angoff 2 or Comments
Admin Review
- Go to Tests
- Navigate to the Admin Review Tab
- Select the test to Review
Select Start to begin the Admin Review
The test review is delivered in the same format as the test takers format.
Flagging Item
Flag Options:
- Keep - Keep Item
- Revise - Re-review Item
- Drop - Remove Item from Test
Select the Flag for the Item and Select Save
Form Level Statistics:
Form Level Statistics are displayed at the bottom of the screen
The answer key will be displayed for each of the tests.
Select Next to go to the Next item
Bulk Edit Based on Flag
Once all the Items have been flagged select Bulk edit based on Flag
Select the Flag e.g. Drop
Select the Action for all the items in the test Flagged as Drop:
Add Tags
- Select the tag for the items flagged as Drop e.g. Status.Retired
Remove Tags
- Select the Tag to remove for the items flagged as Keep e.g. Status.New
Create new test from items with flag
Select the Flag e.g. Keep
Action: Create new test form items with flag
- Enter the “new” Test ID
- Enter the “new” Test Description
- Select the Test Type
- Click on Create
Create new test from items without flag
Select the Flag e.g. Drop
Action: Create new test form items without flag
- Enter the “new” Test ID
- Enter the “new” Test Description
- Select the Test Type
- Click on Create
Add a value to custom field
Select the Flag e.g. Keep
Action: Add a value to custom field
- Select the Custom Field
- Enter the Text for the Custom field
- Click on Edit
Change Status
Select the Flag e.g. Drop
Action: Change Status
- Select the new Status
- Click on Edit
Comments entered by other reviewers will be visible
Select Add Comment to add additional comments:
Enter comment and select Add.
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